Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund

  • Sector Real Estate Management
  • Participation 100%

Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund

The Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund S.A. (HRADF) implements the Asset Development Plan (ADP), which is reviewed every six months and authorized by the Government Council for Economic Policy and has developed significant know-how in maturing large and complex projects.

In view of the country’s preparation for the absorption of the resources of the Recovery and Resilience Fund, HRADF developed the Project Preparation Facility (PPF), as a standalone operational unit of its activity, with the aim of maturing contracts of strategic importance, implementing the relevant tendering procedures and monitoring the execution of contracts signed under these contracts. In addition, HRADF acts as the Planning Authority for Piraeus Port, Thessaloniki Port Authority, and the 10 regional ports in its portfolio.


  • Has completed and launched over 60 development projects with binding offers of €15.7 billion and proceeds of €9.3 billion.
  • Finalization phase for the tender procedures of the concession for Attica Motorway and Egnatia Motorway at a price of €4.7 billion.
  • Project Preparation Facility (PPF): maturation of 70+ projects with a total budget of more than €8 billion.
  • Contribution to the preparation of the Master Plans of ThPA and PPA and of several regional ports, under the capacity of HRADF as Port Planning Authority.
  • Study assessing the social cost-benefit of forestry projects in the framework of the “Forest Protection Plan” matured by the PPF

As the sole shareholder, Growthfund appoints the majority of Board members.

Board of Directors

Sustainability Reports

Contact information

Karagiorgi Servias 6, 10562, Athens, Greece

+30 210 3274400


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