December 19, 2024

BoD Member resignation

The Council of Corporate Governance (CGC) of HCAP received the resignation of Mr. Thymios Kyriakopoulos, a member of the Board of Directors, effective as of 19 December 2024. Mr. Kyriakopoulos has served as an independent non-executive member of the Board of Directors since 16 February 2021, serving as Chair of the Investment and Risk Committees and as a member of the Candidates and Audit committees. Mr. Kyriakopoulos has decided to leave his HCAP Board position for reasons of time commitment and possible conflict issues that may arise in the future given his professional priorities.

The CGC would like to express its gratitude to Mr.  Kyriakopoulos for his very valuable contribution during his tenure in the areas of his expertise. He has been the initiator and main contributor to HCAP’s rigorous efforts to adopt the best corporate governance practices in the areas of Investment and Risk management.

The CGC wishes him the very best in his future endeavors.