Integrating ESG Criteria

Principle-based Strategy

Growthfund and its subsidiaries are drawing up the sustainable development strategy and ESG practices for the next years, with the aim to mitigate the effects of climate change while improving the performance of state-owned assets and promoting the citizens’ quality of life.


Growthfund, in collaboration with the executive teams of its subsidiaries, sets goals for the performance in ESG matters (ΚPIs), considering also stakeholders’ expectations. It follows a roadmap for the implementation of ESG objectives, based on guiding principles linked to Growthfund’s nature.

The framework for monitoring and implementing the ESG KPIs includes:

  • Functional ESG Teams per subsidiary and appointment of a Board member sd responsible for ESG issues by the subsidiaries’ Boards.
  • Continuous communication
  • Meetings with Growthfund with an exclusive ESG agenda
  • ESG Data Template creation with Growthfund’s initiative in order to systematize ESG data recording by the subsidiaries
  • Handbook for the Subsidiaries in line with the ESG Policy which was developed with technical assistance from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development – EBRD.
  • Expectation Documents: Growthfund’s guidelines to its subsidiaries regarding their response to critical issues such as climate change and social inclusion are communicated transparently to their management.
  • Implementing ESG Pilot Projects

In pursuit of this goal, it invests in environmental and climate sustainability, introducing climate considerations into new investments, its business operation and its decision-making model.

Implemented Sustainability Action Plan (2022 – 2024)

Horizontal initiatives for ESG criteria integration

Scope 1 and Scope 2 Emissions Measurement

Growthfund and its subsidiaries have proceeded with the measurement of Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions with the aim of creating a transition plan towards low-emission operations.

Pilot Projects for Citizens’ Benefit

Through Growthfund’s cooperation with its subsidiaries, opportunities can be identified in their operation, and the room for improvement can be captured on a small scale, in the context of sustainable development. In this way, valuable conclusions are drawn about value creation, enabling improvements in the way ESG criteria are incorporated into the operation of companies, where possible.

ESG trainings

Growthfund offers sustainability-themed trainings to BoD members and the executives of its subsidiary companies, through special programs, in collaboration with renowned institutions. In this context, Growthfund’s “Sustainability Academy” was developed, an innovative specialized online platform, where successful trainees are awarded a certification of completion.

IOBE Measurement of Socio-economic and Environmental Impacts:

IOBE conducts a nationwide study on the social and environmental impact of Growthfund and its subsidiaries and holdings on the national economy (GDP impact), employment, and the environment.

CSRD Gap Analysis

Growthfund and its subsidiaries and holdings conducted a CSRD Gap Analysis in order to prepare the entire ecosystem for the implementation of this European directive. The CSRD directive will bring about significant changes in corporate reporting with extensive implications for all businesses, as well as the future of climate sustainability reporting, both in Europe and globally.

Growthfund’s Sustainability Reports

Growthfund’s three year ESG Plan (2022-2024) is an integral part of Growthfund’s Strategic Plan for the same period.

Furthermore, we take action to support the circular economy, aiming for a substantial reduction in waste in Greece, with a focus on water and food resources, either independently or through strategic partnerships with other entities.

Growthfund takes initiatives for the public real estate development by incorporating ESG criteria into tenders, while simultaneously supporting the Ministry of Energy and Environment in the Just Transition Development Plan for the country’s lignite areas by 2028