
ESG Data Template

As part of its commitment to promoting best practices in sustainable development and providing corresponding support to companies within its portfolio, Growthfund has secured a specialized spreadsheet for its subsidiaries, the ESG Data Template.

The ESG Data Template was completed in the third quarter of 2023 and is expected to support the regular collection and maintenance of ESG data for Growthfund’s subsidiaries. It has been configured based on the requirements of GRI/SASB standards, as well as ISO certifications for Environmental Management and for Occupational Health and Safety. Additionally, for each required field, it includes the connection with the 17UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The datasets compiled by each subsidiary are incorporated in their annual Sustainability Reports.

Carbon Fooptrint Data

All Growthfund subsidiaries perform carbon footprint measurements (scope 1&2) annually, with external support from expert advisors and with reference to the UN GHG Protocol methodology. The data depicted on the following table are sourced from the Sustainability Reports published by the subsidiaries. For information regarding Growthfund’s minority shareholding participations (PPC, AIA, ETVA VIPE, HCDI) please visit their websites.

figures in t CO2 e

2021 2022
Direct Emissions - Scope 1 35 35
Indirect Emissions - Scope 2 119 148
Direct Emissions - Scope 1 96,152 110,638
Indirect Emissions - Scope 2 10,562 14,477
Direct Emissions - Scope 1 947 1.986
Indirect Emissions - Scope 2 70,862 97.534
GAIAOSE 2021 2022
Direct Emissions - Scope 1 11 11
Indirect Emissions - Scope 2 27 45
ELTA 2021 2022
Direct Emissions - Scope 1 9,985 10,487
Indirect Emissions - Scope 2 10,392 10,245
ELTA Courier 2021 2022
Direct Emissions - Scope 1 1,302 1,111
Indirect Emissions - Scope 2 200 187
5G VENTURES 2021 2022
Direct Emissions - Scope 1 na 13
Indirect Emissions - Scope 2 na 20
TIF - HELEXPO 2021 2022
Direct Emissions - Scope 1 na 338
Indirect Emissions - Scope 2 na 2,643
CMFO 2021 2022
Direct Emissions - Scope 1 na 1,470
Indirect Emissions - Scope 2 na 4,953
CMT 2021 2022
Direct Emissions - Scope 1 na 31
Indirect Emissions - Scope 2 na 123
Corinth Canal 2021 2022
Direct Emissions - Scope 1 na 177
Indirect Emissions - Scope 2 na 10
Direct Emissions - Scope 1 na 300
Indirect Emissions - Scope 2 na 642
HPPC 2021 2022
Direct Emissions - Scope 1 307 544
Indirect Emissions - Scope 2 3,150 4,364
HRADF 2021 2022
Direct Emissions - Scope 1 15,733 18,819
Indirect Emissions - Scope 2 0 0

*na: not published or not available information

Open Data Hub

Growthfund has developed an innovative Open Data Hub for State-Owned Enterprises, as part of its core strategy for the production, management, and sharing of Open Data.

In a significant step towards enhancing transparency and fostering innovation, the Hub provides access to selected datasets generated by the operations of Growthfund’s subsidiaries.

The Employees in the subsidiaries

The number of employees in Growthfund’s Group exceeds 25,000. The table below includes a breakdown of the employees in the subsidiaries and presented data have been sourced from the Human Resources Departments across the portfolio subsidiaries. For information regarding Growthfund’s minority shareholding participations (PPC, AIA, ETVA VIPE, HCDI) please visit their websites.

31.12.2022 31.12.2023 31.07.2024
TRANSPORT FOR ATHENS (OASA) 31.12.2022 31.12.2023 31.07.2024
OASA Employees
Total number of employees
(with a dependent employment relationship or Fixed Remuneration)
107 105 119
Permanent employment 107 105 105
Fixed term employment 14
by gender
Female 57 53 60
Male 50 52 59
by age group
≤30 - - -
31–50 54 47 38
>50 53 58 81
by managerial level
Management Executives (up to Director level)
Women 21 21 21
Men 15 15 15
Rest of personnel
Women 36 32 39
Men 35 37 44
New hires (during the year)
Women 2 - 8
Men 3 1 7
Departures (resignations during the year)
Women 1 2 1
Men 6 1 -
OASA Board of Directors
Executive Members
Women 1 1 1
Men - 1 1
Non Executive Directors
Women 1 1 1
Men 6 5 6
TRANSPORT FOR ATHENS (OSY) 31.12.2022 31.12.2023 31.07.2024
OSY Employees
Total number of employees
(with a dependent employment relationship or Fixed Remuneration)
4,770 4,722 4,800
Permanent employment 4,764 4,694 4,579
Fixed term employment 6 28 221
by gender
Female 164 185 251
Male 4,606 4,537 4,549
by age group
≤30 37 27 32
31–50 2,377 2,170 2,069
>50 2,356 2,525 2,699
by managerial level
Management Executives (up to Director level)
Women 33 35 38
Men 158 166 167
Rest of personnel
Women 131 150 213
Men 4,448 4,371 4,382
New hires (during the year)
Women 2 22 72
Men 37 105 171
Departures (resignations during the year)
Women 6 1 6
Men 176 174 159
OSY Board of Directors
Executive Members
Men 1 1 1
Non Executive Directors
Men 4 4 4
TRANSPORT FOR ATHENS (STASY) 31.12.2022 31.12.2023 31.07.2024
STASY Employees
Total number of employees
(with a dependent employment relationship or Fixed Remuneration)
2,319 2,541 2,514
Permanent employment 2,319 2,324 2,292
Fixed term employment 217 222
by gender
Female 494 619 626
Male 1,825 1,922 1,888
by age group
≤30 33 28 23
31–50 1,482 1,279 1,302
>50 804 1,234 1,189
by managerial level
Management Executives (up to Director level)
Women 53 50 51
Men 92 89 88
Rest of personnel
Women 441 569 575
Men 1,733 1,833 1,800
New hires (during the year)
Women 11 143 13
Men 11 152 21
Departures (resignations during the year)
Women 7 10 13
Men 51 54 58
STASY Board of Directors
Executive Members
Women - - -
Men 1 1 1
Non Executive Directors
Women 2 2 2
Men 4 4 4
GAIAOSE 31.12.2022 31.12.2023 31.07.2024
GAIAOSE Employees
Total number of employees
(with a dependent employment relationship or Fixed Remuneration)
15 16 15
Permanent employment 15 16 15
Fixed term employment
by gender
Female 6 6 6
Male 9 10 9
by age group
31–50 10 11 10
>50 5 5 5
by managerial level
Management Executives (up to Director level)
Women 2 2 2
Men 8 9 9
Rest of personnel
Women 4 4 4
Men 1 1
New hires (during the year)
Men 1
Departures (resignations during the year)
Men 1
GAIAOSE Board of Directors
Executive Members
Women 1
Men 1 1
Non Executive Directors
Women 1 1 1
Men 3 4 4
ELTA 31.12.2022 31.12.2023 31.07.2024
ELTA Employees
Total number of employees
(with a dependent employment relationship or Fixed Remuneration)
3,141 3,066 3,014
Permanent employment 3,033 2,984 2,947
Fixed term employment 108 82 67
by gender
Female 1,263 1,234 1,223
Male 1,878 1,832 1,791
by age group
≤30 34 27 19
31–50 1,219 1,203 990
>50 1,888 1,836 2,005
by managerial level
Management Executives (up to Director level)
Women 240 240 238
Men 204 213 205
Rest of personnel
Women 1,023 994 985
Men 1,674 1,619 1,586
New hires (during the year)
Women 12 2 2
Men 40 31 13
Departures (resignations during the year)
Women 51 30 12
Men 116 74 53
ELTA Board of Directors
Executive Members
Women - - -
Men 1 1 1
Non Executive Directors
Women 2 2 2
Men 5 5 5
ELTA COURIER 31.12.2022 31.12.2023 31.07.2024
Total number of employees
(with a dependent employment relationship or Fixed Remuneration)
185 165 160
Permanent employment 151 148 145
Fixed term employment 34 17 15
by gender
Female 63 54 52
Male 122 111 108
by age group
≤30 2 - -
31–50 114 97 94
>50 69 68 66
by managerial level
Management Executives (up to Director level)
Women 5 5 4
Men 8 6 8
Rest of personnel
Women 58 49 48
Men 114 105 100
New hires (during the year)
Women 2
Men 4 1 1
Departures (resignations during the year)
Women 3 9 2
Men 11 12 4
ELTA COURIER Board of Directors
Executive Members
Men 1 1 1
Non Executive Directors
Women 3 2 2
Men 3 3 3
5G VENTURES 31.12.2022 31.12.2023 31.07.2024
5G VENTURES Employees
Total number of employees
(with a dependent employment relationship or Fixed Remuneration)
10 10 8
Permanent employment 10 10 8
Fixed term employment
by gender
Female 4 4 3
Male 6 6 5
by age group
≤30 - - -
31–50 4 3 3
>50 6 7 5
by managerial level
Management Executives (up to Director level)
Women - - -
Men 5 5 4
Rest of personnel
Women 4 4 3
Men 1 1 1
New hires (during the year)
Women 2 1 -
Men - - -
Departures (resignations during the year)
Women 1 2 -
Men 1 - 1
5G VENTURES Board of Directors
Executive Members
Women - - -
Men 4 4 4
Non Executive Directors
Women 1 1 1
Men 2 2 2
TIF - HELEXPO 31.12.2022 31.12.2023 31.07.2024
Total number of employees
(with a dependent employment relationship or Fixed Remuneration)
72 85 86
Permanent employment 60 63 75
Fixed term employment 12 22 11
by gender
Female 37 48 48
Male 35 37 38
by age group
≤30 8 10 8
31–50 18 36 41
>50 46 39 37
by managerial level
Management Executives (up to Director level)
Women 18 15 15
Men 16 13 14
Rest of personnel
Women 19 33 34
Men 19 24 23
New hires (during the year)
Women 5 5 4
Men 2 3 3
Departures (resignations during the year)
Women 4 2 -
Men 2 5 -
TIF HELEXPO Board of Directors
Executive Members
Men 1 1 1
Non Executive Directors
Women 1 2 2
Men 11 10 10
CMFO 31.12.2022 31.12.2023 31.07.2024
CMFO Employees
Total number of employees
(with a dependent employment relationship or Fixed Remuneration)
75 68 67
Permanent employment 74 67 66
Fixed term employment 1 1 1
by gender
Female 16 16 15
Male 59 52 52
by age group
≤30 2 2 1
>50 73 66 66
by managerial level
Management Executives (up to Director level)
Women 3 3 3
Men 15 15 15
Rest of personnel
Women 13 13 12
Men 44 37 37
New hires (during the year)
Women - - -
Men 1 - 1
Departures (resignations during the year)
Women - - 1
Men 7 1 1
CMFO Board of Directors
Executive Members
Women - - -
Men 1 1 1
Non Executive Directors
Women 1 1 1
Men 8 8 8
CMT 31.12.2022 31.12.2023 31.07.2024
CMT Employees
Total number of employees
(with a dependent employment relationship or Fixed Remuneration)
20 18 17
Permanent employment 18 16 15
Fixed term employment 2 2 2
by gender
Female 7 6 5
Male 13 12 12
by age group
≤30 - - -
31–50 7 7 6
>50 13 11 11
by managerial level
Management Executives (up to Director level)
Women 1 1 1
Men 4 4 5
Rest of personnel
Women 6 5 4
Men 9 8 7
New hires (during the year)
Women - - -
Men - - 1
Departures (resignations during the year)
Women 1 - 1
Men - 1 -
CMT Board of Directors
Executive Members
Women - - -
Men 1 1 1
Non Executive Directors
Women 2 1 1
Men 7 8 8
HELLENIC SALTWORKS 31.12.2022 31.12.2023 31.07.2024
Total number of employees
(with a dependent employment relationship or Fixed Remuneration)
27 25 24
Permanent employment 26 24 23
Fixed term employment 1 1 1
by gender
Female 6 6 5
Male 21 19 19
by age group
≤30 - - -
31–50 3 2 2
>50 24 23 22
by managerial level
Management Executives (up to Director level)
Women 5 5 5
Men 18 17 17
Rest of personnel
Women 1 1 -
Men 3 2 2
New hires (during the year)
Men 1
Departures (resignations during the year)
Women 1
Men 2 1
Executive Members
Men 1 1 1
Non Executive Directors
Women 2 2 2
Men 6 6 6
HPPC 31.12.2022 31.12.2023 31.07.2024
HPPC Employees
Total number of employees
(with a dependent employment relationship or Fixed Remuneration)
372 258 246
Permanent employment 347 255 243
Fixed term employment 25 3 3
by gender
Female 190 141 137
Male 182 117 109
by age group
≤30 6 1 -
31–50 189 160 151
>50 177 97 95
by managerial level
Management Executives (up to Director level)
Women 39 43 40
Men 48 42 38
Rest of personnel
Women 151 98 97
Men 134 75 71
New hires (during the year)
Women 9 1 1
Men 3 1 1
Departures (resignations during the year)
Women 66 43 5
Men 100 59 8
HPPC Board of Directors
Executive Members
Women - 1 1
Men 1 1 -
Non Executive Directors
Women 1 3 3
Men 4 3 3
HRADF 31.12.2022 31.12.2023 31.07.2024
HRADF Employees
Total number of employees
(with a dependent employment relationship or Fixed Remuneration)
81 90 100
Permanent employment 79 84 93
Fixed term employment 2 6 7
by gender
Female 48 55 63
Male 33 35 37
by age group
≤30 3 8 11
31–50 51 59 65
>50 27 23 24
by managerial level
Management Executives (up to Director level)
Women 5 5 5
Men 10 13 13
Rest of personnel
Women 43 50 58
Men 23 22 24
New hires (during the year)
Women 10 14 8
Men 6 6 2
Departures (resignations during the year)
Women 4 7 -
Men 3 3 -
HRADF Board of Directors
Executive Members
Women - - -
Men 2 2 2
Non Executive Directors
Women 2 2 2
Men 3 3 3