Partnerships & Distinctions

Good Practices & Recognition

At Growthfund, we believe that strong memberships, partnerships and awards can contribute significantly to our vision. Peer knowledge exchange, appreciation and recognition are powerful motivators leading to an increase in performance, productivity, employee retention and overall reputation of the Company, ensuring among others its contribution to ESG pilars.

Amidst the pandemic and the ongoing energy – geopolitical crisis, Growthfund in cooperation with the in its portfolio companies, manages to create the conditions that facilitate its path to sustainable transition, in accordance with circular economy principles.

Distinctions | 2021-2022

At Growthfund, we believe that strong memberships, partnerships and awards can contribute significantly to our vision. Peer knowledge exchange, appreciation and recognition are powerful motivators leading to an increase in performance, productivity, employee retention and overall reputation of the Company, ensuring among others its contribution to ESG pillars.