Investment Policy

Investment Policy

Growthfund’s investment policy aims at facilitating the procedures that are to ensure that the selected and realized investments meet its objectives, vision, and mission.

It does not determine or envisage Growthfund’s actual investment decisions but rather sets the rules and principles that these decisions should comply with. The investments must be realized in accordance with the rules and procedures determined by the investment framework, as well as according to the objectives of Growthfund’s Strategic Plan (2022-2024), which incorporates the Guidelines of its Sole Shareholder, the Greek State.

Growthfund’s source of funds comes from its operation as a shareholder and investor. Its investment mission is the generation of sustainable long-term returns, in order to maximize its portfolio value under a given risk-return framework and ultimately serve the public interest. The funds invested should result in the creation of additional resources to strengthen the Public Investment Program, to reduce public debt and attract new investments in the Greek economy. They should enable the development of our assets in order to maximize the benefits to the State and generate sustainable returns over the long-term.