September 12, 2018

P.R. : Business meeting between HCAP and its subsidiaries


Business meeting between HCAP and its subsidiaries

On Monday, September 10th, during the 83rd Thessaloniki International Fair, the Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations organized a workshop with the participation of its subsidiaries and their top management representatives.

For the first time, all State Owned Enterprises in its portfolio met to share their common goals. The objective of the meeting was to enhance communication and cooperation within the group. It provided also the opportunity to exchange views on important strategic, operational and business efficiency areas, on common values and on a new corporate governance model.

The business meeting was attended by the members of HCAP’s Board of Directors as well as, by the management teams of the subsidiaries, namely Public Power Corporation (PPC), Thessaloniki Water Supply and Sewerage (EYATH), Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company (EYDAP), Public Properties Company (ETAD), Corinth Canal (AEDIK), GAIAOSE, TIF – HELEXPO, Greek Saltworks, Hellenic Post (ELTA), Central Market and Fishery Organization (CMFO), Central Market of Thessaloniki (CMT), Athens Urban Transport Organization (OASA) group and its subsidiaries Urban Rail Transport (STASY) and Road Transport (OSY).

The management of each subsidiary presented their strategic priorities and their short-to-medium term goals. They elaborated on the characteristics of their sectors, and the common challenges they face. Special emphasis was also given to the possibility of synergies among the companies.

HCAP referred to the need to establish solid relationships of cooperation and trust towards the realization of a common strategy for the benefit of the public interest.

The importance of topics such as corporate governance, compliance, performance monitoring and improvement across subsidiaries was also discussed.

The Chairman of HCAP’s BoD, Mr. George Diamantopoulos, welcomed the subsidiaries’ representatives, saying amongst others: “We – all – manage a substantial part of the wealth belonging to the Greek citizens, who anticipate from us to develop it in the best possible way, to add value to it and to secure the provision of quality services at the lowest possible cost.”

HCAP’s CEO, Mrs. Rania Ekaterinari, noted that : “With today’s initiative, a new round of discussions is launched, aiming to ensure that we are all aligned with the strategic goals and with our common mission to improve the capabilities and the effectiveness of the State Owned Enterprises”.

On behalf of HCAP’s sole shareholder (the Ministry of Finance), the Secretary General for Economic Policy, Mrs. Elena Papadopoulou, welcomed the meeting underlining both the importance of the role of the State Owned Enterprises, as well as the potential for synergies amongst them for the benefit of the Greek economy and society.