October 27, 2021

The New HCAP Supervisory Board

The Minister of Finance, with the agreement of the European Commission and the European Stability Mechanism acting jointly, has renewed the term of office of four Supervisory Board members, Jacques Le Pape, David Vegara, Xenia Kazoli and Haris Meidanis. Given the resignation of Minos Moissis on 15th October 2021, the Minister of Finance has appointed Naya Kalogeraki as the fifth member.

SB members would like to warmly and sincerely thank Minos Moissis for his cooperation during the past two years and his very valuable and acknowledged contribution. They wish him wholeheartedly every success in his future endeavors.

Therefore, as of 15th October 2021, the composition of the Supervisory Board is the following:

  • Jacques le Pape (Chairman)
  • David Vegara, member
  • Xenia Kazoli, member
  • Haris Meidanis, member
  • Naya Kalogeraki, member

Annex: CVs of SB members

Jacques Le Pape has been serving as a Partner with Barber Hauler Capital Advisers since February 2020 in Paris. In May 2021, he was also appointed as Chair of the Board of Caisse Centrale de Réassurance (CCR). From July 20, 2018, to February 1, 2020, he served as the CFO of The Global Fund. He previously served as general inspector in the French Ministry of Finance Inspection Office. From 2013 to 2016, he was Executive Vice-president Corporate Secretary at Air France-KLM. From 2007 to 2011, he was the deputy chief of staff for Christine Lagarde at the French Ministry for Finance. He has previously served as an advisor to the French Minister of Justice and the Minister for Transport and subsequently to the Minister of Finance.
Born in 1966, Jacques Le Pape graduated in Physics from the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris) in 1990. He is also a member of the French Institute of Actuaries and holds a MAS from the Paris school of economics.
Jacques Le Pape is a Board member at the Institute for Advance Studies – Paris and Vice – Chair and Treasurer at the French Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce.
Jacques Le Pape was first appointed as Chairman of the Supervisory Board in 2016. His appointment was renewed on 15 October 2021 for a five-year period ending in October 2026.

David Vegara Figueras is currently the Chief Risk Officer and Executive Board Member at Banco Sabadell. He is also a member of the Board of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation against Alzheimer. He was previously Lecturer at ESADE Business School (banking, finance and macroeconomics, 2015-2019) and Deputy Managing Director at the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), with responsibility for banking (2012-2015). Before joining the ESM, he served as Deputy Director of the Western Hemisphere Department at the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Prior to joining the IMF, he served as State Secretary for Economic Affairs at the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance (2004-2009.)
Born in Barcelona, Spain in 1966, David Vegara holds a MSc. in Economics from the London School of Economics and an Economics degree from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
David Vegara Figueras was appointed to the Supervisory Board on October 2016. His appointment was renewed on 15 October 2021 for a five-year term ending in October 2026.

Xenia Kazoli is an international lawyer admitted to the bars of New York, Paris and Athens. For the last few years, she has been advising on corporate governance and regulatory reform and served for four years as a senior advisor with Nestor Advisors Ltd. She has worked for twenty years for international law firms (Skadden Arps LLP and Allen & Overy LLP) in their Paris and London capital market teams, specializing in international debt and equity offerings in the public and private sector and advising on privatizations and cross border transactions. Xenia Kazoli has also worked with the World Bank in Washington DC, conducting legal assessment, policy and regulatory reform in capital markets in Latin America.
Xenia Kazoli is currently an advisor with Nardello & Co, an independent non-executive director of the board of the Athens Exchange, a member of the Board of the ATHEX CSD as well as Vice Chair of the Management Council of the Hellenic Corporate Governance Council.
She holds a Law degree from the University of Athens, an LL.M. from George Washington University and speaks five language
Xenia Kazoli was first appointed to the Supervisory Board on December 12, 2019. Her appointment was renewed on 15 October 2021 for a five-year term ending in October 2026.

Haris Meidanis is an experienced lawyer, currently the managing partner at Meidanis, Seremetakis and Associates law firm. He specializes in the areas of Private International Law, the Law of International Transactions, Arbitration, Mediation and Business Law, having also published more than 50 articles in academic journals.
He is an accredited Mediator (CIArb and Hellenic Ministry of Justice) and has provided consulting services to the Greek Ministries of Economy and Development. Haris Meidanis is a member of the mediation council of EODID and member of the Institute of World Business Law of ICC. He is Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
He has taught at the Universities of Athens, Panteion and Bilkent, as well as at the European Institute of Public Administration.
Born in Athens in 1970, he holds a Law degree from the University of Athens, an LL.M. from the University of London and a PhD in Private International Law from Panteion University in Athens.
Haris Meidanis was first appointed to the Supervisory Board on December 12, 2019. His appointment was renewed on 15 October 2021 for a five-year term ending in October 2026.

Naya Kalogeraki is the Chief Operating Officer of Coca-Cola HBC A.G. (CCHBC), a public company listed on the London and Athens Stock Exchanges and included in the FTSE 100 Index. In this role she oversees the operations of 28 countries on 3 continents reporting to the CEO.
Kalogeraki has more than 25 years of experience with The Coca-Coca Company and CCHBC, having built her career through commercial roles leading to that of General Manager, for Greece and Cyprus. She held the role of Director of Strategy, CEO office as well as Group Chief Customer and Commercial Officer for CCHBC.
She has also served as the Chairperson of the Global Customer Governance Board of The Coca-Cola Company and as a member of the Board of Directors of Adelink Ltd., a major juice joint venture between The Coca-Cola Company and CCHBC.
She holds an BSc in Business Administration from Deree Collage, Athens and an MBA from Kent University. She has also attended Strategic management programs at Harvard Business School.
Naya Kalogeraki as the new member of the Supervisory Board has been appointed on 15 October 2021 for a five-year term ending in October 2026.