23 Ιανουαρίου, 2023
Προκηρύξεις Υπερταμείου

Call for Expression of Interest & Request for Proposal for the provision of advisory expert services to the Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations S.A. (Growthfund) for the assessment and feasibility study of the business case of enhancing Growthfund’s investment capabilities.


1./ There is no need to issue a guarantee letter at this stage. Only the selected advisor shall be required to submit a (performance) guarantee letter upon the conclusion of the contract.

2./ Dossiers, E, D and F need to be submitted on the submission date, as specified in the RfP. In addition it is clarified in the RfP that “Each interested party’s offer shall include all the above dossiers and may be accompanied by any other information proving the experience and know-how of interested parties in relation to the Services. More specifically, in the e-mail for the submission of the offer of each interested party, at the penalty of exclusion, at least two, distinct and locked files must be attached. Mandatorily, the financial offer (DOSSIER D) shall be attached in the email of each offer separately and will be protected with a different password.”. In relation to Dossier E, it is clarified that upon submission date a declaration with the content specified in the RfP is sufficient and the tax and insurance certificate can be submitted at a later stage, when requested by Growthfund.