8 Δεκεμβρίου, 2022
Προκηρύξεις Υπερταμείου

Invitation for expression of interest & submission of tenders for the provision of advisory services to the Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations S.A. in relation to the exploitation of its rights in the 22 Regional Airports


Clarification 14/02/2023: In section II.2 (Scope of the Engagement of the Technical & Traffic Advisor) Growthfund presents the envisaged Scope of Work of Technical & Traffic Advisor for the project.
In the said section (and also sections II.1 & II.3) Growthfund has not included any provision which may lead to differentiation in the treatment of airports based on their size, number of passengers, traffic or any other criterion.
The submitted question reflects on the methodology to be formed and applied by the Technical & Traffic Advisor, who in cooperation with the Financial Advisor is expected to proceed to assessment of the existing infrastructure and economic evaluation of the 22 airports as requested in the scope of work.
Growthfund cannot comment on the methodology to be chosen by each participant since this element forms part of the selection criteria.

Clarification 13/2/2023: According to par. IX, “The statement of non-existence of a conflict of interest must be signed by the legal representative of each legal entity expressly as well as by the project team members. In case that is used external partners, employees of affiliated companies, or other legal entities in the joint venture or under a subcontracting agreement, then for any such legal entity as well as the members of the project team of same should be included in the file a statement of non-conflict of interest”. Thus, from the above, it results that separate non conflict of interest statements of all individuals-project team members must be submitted as well, as part of Dossier F.



To all interested parties / To whom it may concern

HCAP announces / informs interested parties about the publication of an amendment of the “Invitation for expression of interest & submission of tenders for the provision of advisory services to the Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations S.A. in relation to the exploitation of its rights in the 22 Regional Airports”.

Interested parties are invited to review the amended document where, a) paragraph “IV.Budget” has been amended and b) the submission date of the offers by Interested Parties has been changed to be not later than Monday 20th February 2023, 17:00 pm Athens time.

In response to a submitted question regarding the right of the selected Financial Advisor (in case it has lending capacity) to participate in the financing of the project, Growthfund would like to clarify the following:
In case the selected Financial Advisor is a banking institution will be given the option and the right to participate in the financing of the project under tender:

  • By creating a team of professionals, within the organisation, who would be allowed to work and offer lending services to the bidders who will participate in the tender for the exploitation of the 22 regional services
  • Such a right will be dealt with and assessed by a different team of professionals than the one to be supporting the tendering authority providing the advisory services while operating under (strict) information wall structures (Chinese wall procedures)
  • the Financial Advisor will secure that at no point in the tendering process any conflict of interest condition is created.

Clarification: According to the Invitation for expression of interest & submission of tenders (“Invitation”) for the provision of advisory services to Growthfund in relation to the exploitation of its rights in the 22 Regional Airports, Growthfund will only accept and evaluate proposals from Advisors or Groups of Advisors providing all three types of requested services (Financial, Legal, Technical – Traffic). More particularly the relevant paragraph of the Invitation (under title “Information about tender procedure”), page 5, provides that: “Every Interested Party, including consortium/ joint ventures submits one Proposal for all requested services mentioned below”.