22 Απριλίου, 2024

Πρόσκληση υποβολής προσφορών για την ανάθεση παροχής συμβουλευτικών υπηρεσιών προς την Ελληνική Εταιρεία Συμμετοχών και Περιουσίας A.E. για το σχεδιασμό, ανάπτυξη και σύνταξη του Στρατηγικού Σχεδίου του Υπερταμείου για το 2025 – 2027

Διευκρινίσεις 20/05/2024

  • The RFP states that the proposal and accompanying documentation should be submitted in English and Greek
    • Is it possible to submit the technical proposal in English and provide an executive summary in Greek? If not, is it possible to submit the main body of the technical proposal in both languages, and share the Appendix only in English (which includes detailed qualifications and team CVs)?
    • Our company no longer publishes some of the required supporting documentation (e.g. financial statements) in English – is it possible to only submit these in Greek?
    • The ESPD document is only available in Greek on your website – is there an English version you can provide, or is it possible to only submit this in Greek?

            - The proposal or parts of it may be submitted in Greek OR English.

  •  In the RFP, a signed declaration of no conflict of interest is required by all team members
    • Since we cannot be sure exactly which colleagues will constitute the final team, can we provide these declaration for the key team members for now (senior leadership), and add the entire team before the kick off of the project?
      – The project team members must be identified at the inception and the corresponding declarations must be submitted accordingly
  • In Dossier B – Project Team one of the requirements of the project team refers to “International experts with more than 10 years of experience in consulting services and proven experience in working with other SWFs”. Can you please confirm whether the 10-year experience should have been developed only within consulting or we can also account for direct/ in-house experience with SWFs?
    • – We confirm that the specific criterion can include both consulting experience and direct/in-house experience with other SWFs, as per the RfP.